Dallas Tree Trimming Tree Doctor and Tree Repair Specialist Reviews in March 2022
Thank you so much for our newest reviews in March!
Without you…. there is no successful Tree Wizards tree care company.

✨✨✨✨✨Susan says: I have used White Rock Tree Wizards many times over many years. My yard backs to a creek & I have an 8 ft wood fence. The creek has trees growing behind the fence. White Rock trims & cut back trees threatening my fence. I have complete confidence in this company. ~ https://goo.gl/maps/pfNoZLDFojXQLF228 ✨✨✨✨✨
Case McKimmey says: White Rock Tree Wizards has taken care of our family for years. I love that they are local to East Dallas, easy to get a hold of and fair in pricing. Jim has always made sure the job is handled to our satisfaction. I would recommend this business!
From my neighborhood: https://nextdoor.com/p/mdrzQr8ff8Jj/c/741042349?utm_source=share
Karon C. from Casa View Haven says:
White Rock Tree Wizards takes care of my 40’ and 50’ live oaks. I recommend them highly and enthusiastically.