How do I know if my tree is going to fall over in the wind or in a storm part1 11-22-13
How do I know if my tree is going to fall over in the wind or in a storm part2 11-25-13
If you have any concerns or inclination that your trees are developing such concerns listed in our newest articles, White Rock Tree Wizards (aka Dallas Tree Doctor) offers a free initial assessment and consultation. If remedial action is indicated……. call White Rock Tree Wizards today for your free, no obligation assessment/consultation; and a firm estimate of the fees.
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One of the most common causes of trees coming down in storms and high winds is root-rot, heart (trunk)
rot or an associated fungal disease that is far progressed. Fungus is the primary cause of rot as fungus is
Mother Natures recycling agents when organisms such as trees have died or are in decline.
“Often there are above-ground signs of the progression of root rot. Below are photos of a root-system
compromised by root-rot and likely to come down in the next serious storm.”

Sometimes root or heart-rot is not as obvious in cases where the majority of the damage is below ground level. However, there are other symptoms of the progression of fungal rot.

Above, we see Ganoderma fungal bodies at the base of this tree, signifying that
this tree is in decline and the integrity of the tree has been compromised by the progression of